Friday 9 May 2008

Sonos music system

The Sonos ZonePlayer brings great sounding music to any and every room in your house - regardless of where your music collection is stored. You can play the same song or different songs in as many rooms as you'd like. Simultaneously. No other digital music system lets you do that.

If you're wondering why Sonos called it a ZonePlayer rather than a room player, the answer is simple: a room doesn't always define the space where you want to listen to music - think living room + dining room, not to mention your patio, garage and swimming pool.

SimplySonos can guide you with your speaker selection for your zones. For example you may want to share a zone player between rooms or install ceiling speakers. Master AV Services can install your sonos system as part of installation involving plasma screens and home cinema or just as an addition to your existing system

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